Teacher Apprentices Ruben Gonzalez and Denise Graham

Kearsley Schools is proud to be a partner district with Michigan’s Talent Together, a statewide initiative addressing the teacher shortage, that helps Michiganders earn their teaching degree/certificate tuition-free while earning an income. Two Kearsley employees, Ruben Gonzalez and Denise Graham, are participating in the Talent Together inaugural cohort of 900 aspiring educators. 

Focused on teacher quality, this innovative model makes use of apprenticeships, a way to develop educators that is newly recognized by the United States Department of Labor.  Program participants are required to meet federal apprenticeship guidelines, which means at least one year of “practice” in classrooms and fully paid at a competitive wage. 

 “We know there are people out there who would be fantastic teachers, many of whom have faced barriers preventing them from attaining their dream.  Talent Together was created to eliminate those barriers and make sure that people get the best training, so they can meet the needs of students in their communities,” said Jack Esley, Founder and CEO of Michigan Educator Workforce Initiative. “Talent Together offers no-cost teacher certification pathways with partner colleges and universities, including bachelor’s degrees for those who may not yet have completed one, all and candidates can serve in school-based roles like paraeducators or substitutes while they’re completing their coursework.”

Ruben had worked for the previous 8 years at Fiedler Elementary as a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) specialist, supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional and mental health. While participating in Talent Together, he is mentored by Grade 5 teacher, Rachel Huiskens.

Denise, in her previous role as family engagement liaison at Armstrong Middle School for 5 years, strived to improved parent-teacher and teacher-student relationships. She is mentored by Grade 5 teacher, Suzanne Harrison.

Ruben Gonzalez leading a lesson.

Q&A with Ruben and Denise about Michigan’s Talent Together

Q.           What prompted you to apply to the Talent Together program?

A.            “When I received the email from Mr. Gaudard that this new program was available for those        who wanted to earn a teaching certificate, I jumped at the opportunity. I have always wanted to have my own classroom and this was a perfect way to get it. Not only do I get to earn my teaching certificate and my Master's degree, but It also is all paid for. And I continue to be paid as well. It only made sense to apply.” – Ruben

“I knew I wanted to continue working in the school district. So, when this opportunity came up to further my education and become a teacher, I decided to jump on it.” – Denise

Q.           What was your reaction to being accepted into the program?

A.            “I was excited to be a part of the program as it is developing and building. I know the need for teachers is great and I look forward to being a part of the solution and making Kearsley strong! This program relieved the financial pressure that otherwise would have kept me from taking on this challenge.  It is great that Ruben and I are in neighboring classrooms as we can support one another in this new adventure.” – Denise

“I was very excited to hear I was accepted. When I received the phone call from Talent Together that I was chosen to help pilot this new program, I was honored to have a chance to represent Kearsley Schools.” – Ruben

Denise Graham in Grade 5 classroom

Q.           What are you most excited about now?

A.            “I am most excited to eventually have my own classroom.” – Ruben

“It is exciting to be able to be a part of a successful classroom for a year. This gives me the opportunity to try things out, become familiar with the curriculum and see good teaching in action before I have my own classroom.” – Denise

Q.           What is challenging?

A.            “Although I bring a lot of varied experiences to the table, balancing the learning of curriculum with all of the different aspects of classroom management and other responsibilities of being a teacher is a lot to get a handle on.” – Denise

“The most challenging part is juggling work, college classes, and family life. I have figured out a good system where I have a good balance between the three.” – Ruben

Q.           Anything else you would like to share?

A.            “So far I have learned a lot. I am honored and excited for the opportunity that this program has given me. Talent Together could really impact the teacher shortage that we face.”  - Ruben


"We are grateful for our partnership with Talent Together to provide an alternative pathway to teaching certification for Ruben, Denise and other aspiring teachers,” said Paul Gaudard, Kearsley’s Superintendent of Schools. “These exciting new pathways are essential to ensure we continue to provide top quality instruction to our students by highly skilled, certified teachers"

Michigan’s Talent Together is a partnership between a consortium of 48 Intermediate School Districts, including the Genesee County ISD, and has developed partnerships with nine universities and attracted 1,500 teacher applicants. As part of the State of Michigan’s FY24 School Aid Budget, $66.4 million will be allocated to this initiative.

MITalentTogether.org is currently accepting interest forms for the 2024 cohort.  Applications will be available in January.