Message from Mr. Gaudard

Kearsley Families,

At approximately 11:18 a.m. today, a gas generator on the roof of the Kearsley High School Community Recreation Center, which is currently under construction, caught fire.  

Students were immediately evacuated to buses until local fire department authorities authorized us to safely gather in the auditorium on the opposite end of the building.  The decision was made to release early and students were dismissed beginning at 12:10 p.m.  

We are incredibly appreciative of the quick action and response from all first responders.  Our students and staff also did a tremendous job in following our emergency protocols, utilizing our safety communications and remaining calm throughout this incident.

Thankfully, no students, staff or contractors were injured.  The fire has been completely extinguished and school will continue as scheduled tomorrow, Friday, January 10th.  

Thank you for your patience today and, as always, everyone’s safety remains our top priority.  

Thank you,

Paul Gaudard
Kearsley Community Schools