Kearsley Families,
I would like to address an important topic that directly impacts the environment in which our students learn and grow: the importance of civility and the expectations we hold for all members of our Kearsley community, including adults.
As adults, we all play a critical role in modeling these behaviors for our children. Whether interacting with office staff, representing our district at a sporting event, attending a parent-teacher conference or posting on social media, our words and actions set the tone for our community.
This fall, we added an “Expectations of Adults” section to our Parent/Student Handbook which is italicized below:
We believe that adults serve as important role models for students, and the manner in which we interact with one another is critical to cultivating and maintaining a mutually respectful and effective school environment. All adult members of the school community (parents, visitors, and staff) are expected to conduct themselves with professionalism and a respect for others.
Kearsley Community Schools encourages positive communication and prohibits volatile, hostile, or aggressive actions. It is expected that communication in all forms, and at all times, whether verbal, non-verbal, or written occurs in a professional and courteous manner. This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression; the intent is to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-free workplace for our students and staff, and a safe, harassment-free environment in which parents and community members can participate in school functions.
Any individual who disrupts or threatens to disrupt school/office operations; threatens the health and safety of others; willfully causes property damage; uses offensive or vulgar language or who has otherwise established a continued pattern of unauthorized entry on school property, may be subject to banishment from campus and related school activities. Law enforcement may also be involved in repeated or severe cases.
By committing to and maintaining these expectations, we not only support our children but also strengthen the culture of respect and collaboration that makes Kearsley Community Schools a special place.
I want to assure you we are here to partner with you and want all families to be involved and feel welcomed in our schools. Let’s work together to address issues constructively with a shared commitment to the well-being of our students. Thank you for helping us ensure that Kearsley remains a place where every student can thrive and where civility, empathy and respect are valued.
Paul Gaudard, Superintendent
Kearsley Community Schools

Parent/Student Handbook, Civility Reminder
November 22, 2024