Soar Into Summer June 5

You are invited to Kearlsey's annual -

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
6:00-7:30 pm at Kearsley High School Football Field

6:00-7:00 pm - Join us for a FREE picnic dinner! Bring a blanket & picnic on the KHS Football Field

6:00-7:30 pm - Yard Games, Sports Activities & Summer Learning

Dinner is on us! Please help us plan for dinner by letting us know how many in your famiy will be attending -

Kearsley's Summer Kick-Off is FREE to all district families, targeting students that will be in Young 5's through Grade 5 next school year, to learn about summer activities from Kearsley teachers and community partners. Students will receive their first FREE book to kick off their summer reading.

"Soar Into Summer" will be held rain or shine. If raining, activities will be moved into KHS.

Hosted by Weston, Dowdall & Fiedler Elementaries. This event is partially supported by Title I Funds.
