Importance of Outdoor Play Workshop

Attention: Families at Pumpkin Patch, Weston & Dowdall

Join us for a FREE workshop to learn about The Importance of Outdoor Play.

Michigan State Extension will be sharing practical information about the benefits of outside activities for young children.

The Importance of Outdoor Play
When: Wednesday, May 22
Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:00 p.m., Workshop is 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Where: Dowdall Elementary Media Center
Admission: FREE, advance registration is required. Please click here to sign up.

Childcare is provided by Kearsley staff for children ages 3-10 years old.

Participants will have a chance to win an Outdoor Play Gift Bag including bubbles for sensory play, chalk to support fine motor skills and literacy, a jump rope and playground ball for active play and a magnifying bug catcher for exploring nature.

Questions? Please contact Diana Bowman at or call 810-591-2496.

If transportation is a barrier to participation, please contact Diana Bowman.

This workshop is presented with support from Title 1, 31a and GRSP funds.
