Message from Mrs. Wood

Weston families,

As part of our new secure entrance upgrades at Weston, we also installed a brand new fire alarm system throughout the building.  During our final inspection on Wednesday, it was determined that not all duct detectors within the alarm system were installed as required by the most recent additions to the fire code. Upon learning this, we immediately consulted with both the State of Michigan Fire Inspector and our local Burton Fire Department to determine the best course of action.  Thankfully, this delay will not impact our ability to start school at Weston on Monday or occupy the building.  

Please be assured that the new fire system is functioning properly. It was thoroughly tested and will activate in case of a fire in the building. However, without all the duct detectors in place, we will be hiring “fire walkers” to make regular rounds throughout the building to serve as the primary point of contact with the fire department.  The fire walkers have already begun their duties and will be present anytime the building is occupied.  They will continue to patrol the building and regularly communicate with local fire authorities until the inspection of the new fire system is approved.

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.  As always, the safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority.


Sarah Wood
Weston Elementary