Due to hazardous road conditions, Kearsley Community Schools will be closed today, Thursday, December 5th. The Pumpkin Patch will also be closed.
A decision on after-school activities will be made later this morning. Stay safe Hornets!

Learn about our 8th Grade Trip to Gettysburg & Washington DC - link to StudentAdventures' website: https://studentadventures.org/mytrip/AMS2547/

Join us for Kearsley's FREE back to school kick-off tonight! Family Movie Night is from 7:00-9:30 p.m. on the KHS football field, includes: picnic dinner, book give-away & movie. Please bring a blanket for the picnic. Concessions available for purchase.

Armstrong Middle School Open House for Grades 6-8 is Tueday, August 27 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. See you there!

6th Grade & New Student Orientation is Tuesday, Aug. 20. Families have a choice of times to attend 11:00 a.m. - noon or 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Welcome to AMS 2024-2025 Newsletter from Mrs. Oetting -https://secure.smore.com/n/zutav0

Armstrong Middle School Bus Routes - https://5il.co/24nwx

We hope that you will be able to join us!

No School on Monday, Jan. 22 for Records Day. Enjoy your day off!

Due to the current wind chill advisory and forecast for dangerously cold temperatures, Kearsley Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th. The Pumpkin Patch will remain open for enrolled students. A decision on after-school activities will be made tomorrow. Stay safe Hornets!

Winter Newsletters for KHS & AMS athletes are available & posted to Athletic Director's Message - https://www.kearsleyschools.org/o/athletics/page/newsletter

Wed., Oct. 4 at 2:20 pm, FEMA is testing the Emergency Alert System & Wireless Emergency Alerts. Every TV, radio and cellphone in the US should blare out a distinctive, jarring electronic warning tone of an emergency alert. Please let your children know it could cause a disruption in class. It's a test - only a test.

Mott Community College is celebrating 100 years & is hosting a BIG celebration event on Sept. 23, including a parade, festival & open house, concert, and fireworks. Kearsley High School's Student Council members are walking in the parade. Hope to see you there!

Reminder: Tomorrow, September 13, is this school year's first 1-Hour Early Release day.
Please see the attached graphic for each school building's release times. Also included in the graphic are the rest of the 1-Hour Early Release dates for the 2023-2024 school year.
Have a good night!

Attention Families of 8th Graders,
The Kearsley Board of Education has officially approved our Washington, D.C. Trip and registration is now open! Please see the link below to guide you through the registration process.
Don't forget about fundraising! We currently have 12 students who have already earned money toward this year's D.C. trip! Eight have earned enough to cover at least their first payment and one has earned enough to pay for the entire trip already!
We have 133 boxes sold, which totals $3,990 in trip credits already!
Questions can be sent to:
Adrienne Temple, AMS Trip Administrator
atemple@kearsleyschools.org (preferred contact method)
(810) 591-5417 (classroom phone, please allow 24 hours for return call)

Our school counselors are here to connect families to resources and assistance. If you need help with school shoes, winter coats or boots please reach out to Mrs. Wright, our school counselor, by phone 810-591-2471 or email twright@kearsleyschools.org.

Kearsley's schools, including the Pumpkin Patch, are closed Friday, Sept. 1 & Monday, Sept. 4.
Wishing our Kearsley families a safe & restful Labor Day weekend!

Armstrong's Picture Day - Aug. 31. All students will get their photo taken for school records & ID. Families may order photo packages by visiting: mylifetouch.com & entering Picture Day ID: EVTVKV6J7

Monday is day 1. We will be in session from 7:35-10:40. Students may be dropped off starting at 7:15. Students will meet all 6 teachers. Create a plan for where your child will go after school. Students can access their schedules on StudentVue or ParentVue so they know where to report for first hour.

This afternoon Kearsley Schools is working with Consumers Energy on planned network upgrades. This work may affect our buildings’ phones and internet. If you are trying to reach a school building, please try again later this afternoon.