We are hiring! Check out our list of job openings & wide variety of career paths that you can take at Kearsley Schools - https://www.kearsleyschools.org/page/job-postings

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We are very excited to see our students back in the building. Please review the AMS Hornets newsletter as it has important information as we get ready to start school.
Welcome to the first AMS family newsletter for the 2023-2024 school year! Please use this link to access important information for the upcoming school year!

“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know." - Mitch Albom
Happy Mother's Day!

There is no school on Monday. Teachers will be finalizing grades. Report cards will be mailed on Wednesday.
Please check StudentVue or ParentVue to see your student’s schedule for semester 2. New classes will start on Tuesday.
Did you hear about our HALFWAY THERE celebration?

No school Monday, January 16, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Reminder - this Wednesday, January 11, is an Early Release day for our students.

Wishing & and yours a some well-deserved downtime and a very happy new year to come. Happy New Year 2023!
Kearsley Community Schools Holiday Break begins Dec. 22, 2022 through Jan. 3, 2023. School resumes Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023.

Let's show some holiday spirit, AMS Hornets! Our spirit days will start on Thursday. We will celebrate right up to the holiday break which starts at the end of a full day of school on December 21.

We are in need of nonperishable food items, toiletries, and paper products. Our drive for Kearsley Christmas Charity ends on Wednesday. Every little bit will help! Items should be turned in during first hour. #PrideTraditionExcellence

Tomorrow is a half day and our annual pie throw! Bring your dollar bills to throw a pie at an AMS staff member! Funds raised will be donated to our Kearsley Christmas Charity.

Parent-Teacher conferences begin tonight. We look forward to seeing all our families for conferences!
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
AMS 3:30pm-6:30pm
KHS 3:30pm-6:30pm
DES 3:30pm-6:30pm
FES 3:45pm-6:45pm
WES 3:50pm-6:50pm
Thursday, November 10, 2022
AMS 2:30pm-5:30pm
KHS 2:30pm-5:30pm
DES 3:30pm-6:30pm
FES 3:45pm-6:45pm
WES 3:50pm-6:50pm
Friday, November 11, 2022
No School

AMS Hornets,
Tomorrow, October 5, is Count Day! It is a crucial day to ensure that students are at school and on time. Public schools tally the number of children attending their school which allows certain state funding for our students.
Don’t forget the pajamas for Homecoming spirit week too!!
Go Hornets!

The annual Homecoming Community Tailgate party returns next Friday, October 7th immediately following the parade. Come join us for lots of food, fun and Kearsley spirit! All proceeds benefit the Kearsley Christmas Charities. 💙💛

Let’s show some Hornet spirit next week for Homecoming!

We have a tradition at AMS to make Homecoming Spirit Chains. The profits go directly to Kearsley Christmas Charities.
Here are the prices:
1 link for $.50
3 links for $1.00
Each link sold gets added to a paper chain in 1st hour which will continue to grow over the next 2 weeks.
Winners get donuts & cider! Go HORNETS!

Come out for some fall fun and an opportunity to meet some other AMS Hornet families.

We're officially back tomorrow! We look forward to seeing everyone bright and early for our first day. As a reminder, here at the building start and dismissal times at all buidings.
Be sure to tag us in those first day photos or use hastag #WelcomeBackKearsley. Its going to be a great year!

Important announcement: Kearsley Board of Education
August 22, 2022
6:30 p.m.
Kearsley Administration Building - 2nd Floor

Kearsley families,
Online annual review for the 2022-23 school year is now open! You will need to access your ParentVUE account to complete this process. This online registration and enrollment process is REQUIRED for all current students, as well as any new Kearsley students. If you need to enroll your child in school, please visit the Kearsley Administration Building at 4396 Underhill Dr., Flint MI 48506.
While the parents of our KHS and AMS students have been accessing their student’s information through ParentVue for many years, ParentVue was new to elementary parents last year. It has been helpful for parents to access and change your child’s information and communicate with the district more effectively. This is also how you’ll receive your child’s teacher assignment.
If you have never used ParentVUE for any of your children, you will need an activation key to login for the first time. If you do not have your activation code, please contact the Kearsley Technology HelpDesk at 810-591-1266.
The direct link to complete this process is https://parentvue.geneseeisd.org/kear/PXP2_Login_Parent.aspx?regenerateSessionId=True and is also available on the main page of our district website.
This process will take approximately ten (10) minutes per student. It is critically important that we have current, updated information for each of our students. We look forward to a great school year!
Thank you,
Paul Gaudard
Kearsley Community Schools

Please join us for our first Back to School Family Movie Night on Wednesday, August 17th!